Saturday, July 20, 2013

...and we have a decision. And some really cool cases at the hospital.

Thank you, Kim, for your encouragement.  Means a ton.  I told my father no again; we want to stay here and be close to family.  I think I'm happy with this decision.  Sure, the ego boost if I were accepted at a Big Name University would be fun.  But the fellowship match is a binding contract; you don't get to choose between multiple acceptances.  The computer algorithm matches your preferences and your program's preferences and that's where you go.

Today is beautiful.  It's about eighty degrees, and sunny, and I'm sitting in my backyard preparing a presentation on a patient with acute GI bleeding.  (Don't worry- I'll spare you all the details!)  The sky is clear blue and it is so peaceful.

I really wish I didn't have to work tomorrow.

Oh, well.  Surrogate is doing well, thank goodness.  She had a course of nitrofurantoin for UTI (or was is asymptomatic?  Either way, she's pregnant, and the guidelines suggest treating.  We are waiting on the AFP triple screen and the nuchal scan.  I'm so incredibly nervous that something will go horribly wrong.  One of my friends who's pregnant the usual way was so excited for me when I just told her (without intending to disclose, but ended up stuck).  I think people who haven't experienced infertility or loss don't understand what a ticking time bomb this seems.

In other news, I may have some fabulous cases at the hospital about which I can't disclose much due to HIPAA.  What I can say is one might involve pneumococcal endocarditis presenting with subdeltoid septic bursitis, and another might involve Klebsiella endocarditis.  (Endocarditis is a heart valve infection.)  it's a future Infectious Disease doc's dream!

1 comment:

  1. Glad that my thoughts helped and that he unerstood! I can't imagnie how you guys must feel after teh losses and disappointment you have been through, but "ticking time bomb" helps me get the picture. You have had things go wrong so much, it is hard to accept that it is going right this time! Hope the cases at work will help distract you! How many weeks are you guys now!?
