Tuesday, August 16, 2011

ה נתן, ה לקח, יהי שם ה מבורך God giveth, God taketh away, blessed be God's name

My exuberance was premature.  So was the rupture of Surrogate's membrances.  Not just premature.  Preterm premature rupture of membrances resulting in oligohydramnios.  They are referring Surrogate to a maternal-fetal-medicine specialist but it looks bad.  I am trying to accept it.  Job said "God giveth, God taketh, blessed be God's name."  I should learn from that.  And I hope one day I can look back and this will be a small grief compared to a life of motherhood.  We do have four frozen kidsicles, and maybe we will find two surrogates and go for broke -- if I can open myself up to heartbreak again.  But then, motherhood is a lifetime of opening oneself to heartbreak, isn't it?  I'm told.  Not a member of that club.

I must learn to bear this with grace.  I'm so fortunate in every other aspect of life.  It'd be wrong to get angry and bitter, and it's ungrateful.  And I know I shouldn't cry when I have additional opportunities.  I should list my blessings again.

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